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My opinion is :

First, that the state cannot find a solution for this big problem. They don’t know how to do and, actually, they don’t really care about us… I think that the economy should be more liberal, and the national insurance charges less for the companies. More the state controls the economy and more the economy is fragile.

Secondly, the “CDI” (real jobs) are too much protected, more and more. The labor unions fight for workers who already have a real job. It is almost impossible to dismiss someone who has a CDI but who works very badly. That is the problem. And so, the employers are afraid to give a chance to a young by hiring him.

Finally, the labor market is not dynamic, and if, by a miracle, you find a real job, even if you don’t like it, you keep it. Some of people go from job to job (like me), without having the opportunity to get a “real” job.

But in Paris you can find a job easily : you work there few years, and after this you can find a job in another city more easily. Finding a real job goes quickly if you have a good experience in Paris. In IT or electronics you can find a real job in Paris, but not everyone wants to live in Paris. And personally I don’t want to live in Paris even 1 year.

One of my friends created his own company. It is very hard, and the state doesn’t really help you. The 2 first years, you pay no charges, but the 3rd year, you pay everything, including the charges not paid the first 2 years. This friend is the only one that I know, who opened his company.

Some other go to Canada, Australia for one year or more.

To give you an idea, I will tell you my personal experience : my brother is in Canada for 2 1/2 year with his wife (they stayed there 1 year, they came back to France and they leaved again France for the Canada ; he is engineer in electronics, she is an artist), 1 friend of me (without real jobs) was in Australia 1 year, she will leave now 1 year to Canada, a couple of friends who was in China 1 month for holidays go to Canada for 1 year (they are artists : musician and relaxation), a friend of me is now in India for holidays during 6 months or more (she doesn’t had any interesting job, no study), a friend of me is in London since 3 years (he wants to work in finances), a friend of me worked in Ireland during few years (maybe 5, as IT technician), he moved now to Spain, a friend of me is in US since 2 years (IT programmer), a friend of me is in Canada – Quebec for 1 year (don’t know her job), a friend of me is in Australia, she is an architect, but she just want to improve her English, to discover Australia and to work there from time to time.

There is a contract between France and Canada and Australia, to give young people the opportunity to go there for one year and to work there. They have a “permits vacances travail”. They must come back to France after this. With this experience they can easily find a job, because most of people don’t speak so well English, so the labor market needs them.

This is all that I can tell you about this problem.

